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Female “Breadwinners” in the Household

October 31, 2022

This judgement of female breadwinners is something that I struggle with to this day—from people I would have never thought would judge me or my decisions. I have two partners and the argument is always, “Well, one of them could get a job!”

Yeah, they could. But that would mean less coverage for my #disabilitylife on days where I cannot make it up the stairs without passing out. That would mean sending my toddlers to public school or daycare, a thing I made it a mission to avoid, given 1) my experience in the school system, 2) the #pandemic, 3) Sandy Hook. We won’t even talk about the history surrounding our school systems in the US.

You would think that people would just see men in homes—raising children and learning those skills we like to laugh about them “not knowing”— would be uplifting. Finally, it doesn’t only sit on the shoulders of female-presenting individuals.

Originally posted, here on LinkedIn.

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