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Month: <span>January 2023</span>

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Disability Disclosure

This might be a hot take but hear me out. πŸ”₯ I 𝐚π₯𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 advocate for my mentees to disclose their disabilities when it is safe to do so. We’re not talking about companies that have a track record of NOT being safe. You know…

Marketing is for People

I know when a company doesn’t care about people like me. πŸ‘€ Before all else, I’d consider myself an educated consumer. I know what goes on in marketing campaigns and product design. I’ve sat at those tables, and I know what those conversations sound…

Black Women are Leaving Corporate America

I’m reading more and more of this news and the sense of alarm that is frequently accompanied by it honestly brings joy to my heart. This is what that alarm means to me: πŸ”” Alarm bells ringing means that somebody has looked up and…