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Layoffs: we hear horror stories, day in and day out

More often than not, those stories are valid–uncaring HR managers, disconnected CEOs, bonuses that could have gone to keeping job security…you know, secure. It’s the same players on different boards. So, let me just take a moment to give a shout out to the…

Disability Disclosure

This might be a hot take but hear me out. 🔥 I 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 advocate for my mentees to disclose their disabilities when it is safe to do so. We’re not talking about companies that have a track record of NOT being safe. You know…

Musk hands Twitter Workers Ultimatum

I’ve spent the past couple of years jokingly referring to this man as a modern-day Willy Wonka. I realize that even though I’ve always meant this comparison, I’ve never really understood the creeping dread I felt around his “eccentric” behavior. Now I do. I…