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Layoffs: we hear horror stories, day in and day out

February 7, 2023

More often than not, those stories are valid–uncaring HR managers, disconnected CEOs, bonuses that could have gone to keeping job security…you know, secure. It’s the same players on different boards.

So, let me just take a moment to give a shout out to the companies trying to do the right thing as the economy once again implodes around us.

Thank you for giving a damn. Thank you for trying.

I don’t mean to come off as a Pick Me. I was laid off this week and I’ve been trying to think of the more impactful way of conveying that information. Originally, I wanted to create a post to uplift my fellow displaced workers–something inspirational, something “we’re on to bigger and brighter things!”

But even though I’m on the worker’s-rights side of LinkedIn, I can’t help but focus on the unsung of these latest downturns.

I’m talking about upper management who saw the writing on the wall six months ago and fought to try to correct. I’m talking about the HR professionals and bearers of bad news who choke down their own tears and frustration to give exit interviews that are organized and, as much as they can be, uplifting.

I’ve made no secret about loving my latest job. The work was challenging, the people extraordinary, and management cared. At this company, I had the opportunity to stretch my marketing, data, and people management wings like never before.

Getting laid off sucks. There’s no way around that.

But there’s a right way to do it and there’s been too much news coverage about the wrong way. So, in response to leadership that leads, I’m going to say thank you. Thank you for making the hard decisions and saving as many jobs as you can. Thank you for caring.

And for those of us who are displaced? If it helps…remember that it’s a numbers game. It’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of the situation–the fear is no joke, and this economy is not helping–but in all likelihood, you didn’t do anything wrong. Your time, energy, and efforts were not wasted.

You did your best. We’re all just…doing our best.

I’m proud of you.

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